23, Abanindranath Tagore Sarani,(Camac Street)
(Camac Street), Ground Floor
Kolkata - 700017,
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91 33 2255 3700 - 705
Fax: +91 33 2255 3737
Email: wbidc@wbidc.com
Panagarh Industrial Park at Panagarh, West Burdwan
West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation Limited (WBIDC) is setting up a modern Industrial Park over 1466.099 acres at Panagarh in Burdwan district. Panagarh-Kanksa belt is a favorable destination for industries due to the availability of industrial infrastructure and climate. Recently Panagarh is emerging as one of the finest places of technical education. Already 2 major engineering and management Institutes (DIATM & AIEM) are running under the belt of Panagarh. Both the Indian Army and Air Force have their establishment at Panagarh. An airport is also located here which is extensively used by Indian Air Force. It is well connected with road and railway. Sufficient power is available for the prospective industries at the park.
Details of the Park

- The industrial park is spread over 1466.099 acres of land under Ausgram-II, Galsi-I and Kanksa block.
- The project site is well connected by roads with Kolkata, the state's capital, located approximately 150 km in south-east direction.
- The site is bounded by National Highway No: 2 connecting it to the Delhi. Site is also connected with NH - 34 and Panagarh-Moregram State Highway.
- The park is well connected by railways. The nearest railway station is Panagarah at 0.8 Km from site.
- The park is very close to the Durgapur industrial zone.
- Nearest Airport - Kazi Najril Islam Airport.
- DVC canal is passing through the site.
- The anchor unit of the park M/s. Matix Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. has set up their unit in the park in approximately 498.49 acres of land.
- All prospective investors are entitled to incentives available as per West Bengal Incentive Scheme.
Infrastructural Support at the Industrial Park

- Roads: All the plots within the park will be connected through arterial roads of 30 m, 24 m and internal roads of 18 m width. The construction of road is completed.
- Drainage: Construction of drainage along both sides of arterial and internal roads in completed.
- Power Sub-stations: WBIDC has handed over two plots to WBSEDCL for setting up of 33/11 KV Substations (One Substation is operational and other in process) and two plot to WBSETCL for setting up of 132 KV & 220/132 KV Substation (One Substation is operational and other in process). Power tariff will be as per the existing tariff plans.
- Water supply: PHE Dt. Has been entrusted for construction of WTP and Pipeline for Supply of Industrial and potable water from Durgapur Barrage. It will require one years to complete the work. Till that time Ground water can be used with the approval of appropriate authority till surface water is made available.
- Other facilities: WBIDC has already provided the Street Lighting Facility to the entire Park. .Now, WBIDC is in process of construction of Three nos.Truck Terminal (Two nos completed.), CFB Building, Fuel Station etc.
Other General Information of the Project Area
Sl. No. | Particulars | Details |
1. | Location Details | Located in Panagarh in Burdwan district of West Bengal. The project site is 150 km from Kolkata. |
2. | Latitude and Longitude of the Park | Approximately 23O 27' (N) Latitude and 87O28' (E) Longitude |
3. | Maximum Ground Coverage allowed | Ground coverage is usually governed by the concerned civic authorities. However, the maximum permissible ground coverage in the case of the industrial building is 40% as per building bylaws |
4. | Any Shed Height Restriction | As stipulated by Indian Air Force Authority, Ministry of Defence depending upon the location of the plot and distance from the Air Base. |
5. | Land filling and Boundary wall | Responsibility is on the respective plot holder. |
6. | Approach road width and capacity | All the plots within the Park are connected through a 30 m & 24 m wide main arterial roads & 18m wide main internal roads. The road will have adequate capacity to carry the load of industrial vehicles. |
7. | Voice & data Network connectivity | WBIDC is not providing this facility. However, it was learnt that local network connectivity is available in that area. |
8. | Soil Type | Soil type is Clayey silt in nature. |
9. | Contamination, if any | No such contamination as per our knowledge. |
Master Plan for Panagarh Industrial Park
Present Status of Land/ Plot within the Park

- The park is divided into two sides – Northern Side (Zone-I) and Southern Side (Zone-II).
- Both the Zones are divided into smaller plots.
- Approximately 498.49 acres of land has already been allotted to M/s Matix Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. for setting up of a 2200 MTPD Ammonia Plant and 3850 MTPD single stream Urea Plant.
- M/s. H&R Johnson (India) has been allotted approximately 65.5 acres of land for Ceramic Tiles Manufacturing Unit.
- M/s. Emami Cements Limited has been allotted 85.69 acres land in the park.
- HPCL has been allotted 75 acres land for their bottling plant.
- Globus Spirit Ltd. Has been allotted land for their distillery Project.
- M/s. IOCL has Been allotted Land in the Park.
- Many applications for allotment of land are under process.
Common Facilitation Centre
- Panagarh Industrial Park is a land based park.
- WTP is being developed by PHE shortly.
- Regarding garbage, companies collect all garbage from their inside garbage bins & dispose of it by its own outside the park and sewerage of each and every allottee is stored and disposed in their own system/ STP/ETP.
- Fire detection and fire fighting system is controlled by each allottee in their own allotted plot.
- No Association available
- Street lighting is available in the entire park.